Thursday 15 September 2011


Dear teachers,
Here are some links that you may find useful when planning to teach a unit on Life Cycles.

Please feel free to post a comment (you don't need to have a Blogger account to do this - just log in as a casual or anonymous user) with any links that You have found useful.

Animal Life Cycles - nice simple descriptions of stages of different life cycles, as well as worksheets for students.
Kids Konnect - General site about life cycles with further links to other useful sites.
Frog Life Cycle craft - DLTK site with instructions to follow and some BLMs to accompany them
Living Systems - site with may downloadable PowerPoint presentations (for kids, teachers, and interactive) about living systems
Science & Technology - site with many links (teacher and student) to further useful sites)
BGfL- Whiteboards - long list of interactive science activities (range of different sciences)
Topic Box - links to other sites with images and information about different life cycles.
BBC Science - lesson/unit plans online for different age groups
Life Cycle Unit - American unit for grade 3's about life cycle. Set up as a blog - great example of how internet technology can be used in classrooms for individual inquiry investigations.
Enchanted Learning - A long-standing favourite. Lots of links through this website will give you ready printable activities.

Reproduction & Life Cycles - Site where a unit on investigation into Life Cycles of plants is outlined
Science for Kids - Interactive game where students identify and learn about the parts of a flower

The Teacher's Guide - page about butterflies. Information, worksheets, crafts, interactive games, lesson plans.

Tuesday 28 June 2011


If you want to investigate butterflies, there are lots of websites you can visit to find out more information. Here are some of them. Just click on a link and you will be taken to a new website where you can start researching!


Butterflies for juniors

Butterfly Life Cycles

Life Cycle of Butterflies

Monarch Butterfly

More Monarchs

Video of a Song about Butterflies

Video Of Butterfly Life Cycle

Video of Claymation Butterfly Life Cycle

Animation of Butterfly Life Cycle


If you are interested in finding out more about Plants, here are some links for you to follow so you can do your researching. Just click on the link, and you will be taken to a different webpage where you will find lots of information.


If you would like to know more about Chickens, here are some links you can use to find out some information. Click on the link, and you will be taken to a new website where you can read all about chickens!


If you would like to find out more information about Frogs, you can click on any of these links and you will be taken to another website where you can do your researching.

Welcome to our blog!!

This Term, grades 1 and 2 are investigating Life Cycles. We are finding out what "Life Cycles" means, what happens in a Life Cycle, where we might see a Life Cycle, as well as lots of other exciting things.

Miss Caruana, Mrs Di Pierro, Mrs Sheehan, Mrs Tracey and Miss Matilda have been doing some investigating, and have found lots of websites for us to visit. If you need to do some researching, you can come to this blog and click on a link to find out some more information.

We are looking forward to finding out more about Life Cycles, and sharing our new learning with each other!