Thursday 15 September 2011


Dear teachers,
Here are some links that you may find useful when planning to teach a unit on Life Cycles.

Please feel free to post a comment (you don't need to have a Blogger account to do this - just log in as a casual or anonymous user) with any links that You have found useful.

Animal Life Cycles - nice simple descriptions of stages of different life cycles, as well as worksheets for students.
Kids Konnect - General site about life cycles with further links to other useful sites.
Frog Life Cycle craft - DLTK site with instructions to follow and some BLMs to accompany them
Living Systems - site with may downloadable PowerPoint presentations (for kids, teachers, and interactive) about living systems
Science & Technology - site with many links (teacher and student) to further useful sites)
BGfL- Whiteboards - long list of interactive science activities (range of different sciences)
Topic Box - links to other sites with images and information about different life cycles.
BBC Science - lesson/unit plans online for different age groups
Life Cycle Unit - American unit for grade 3's about life cycle. Set up as a blog - great example of how internet technology can be used in classrooms for individual inquiry investigations.
Enchanted Learning - A long-standing favourite. Lots of links through this website will give you ready printable activities.

Reproduction & Life Cycles - Site where a unit on investigation into Life Cycles of plants is outlined
Science for Kids - Interactive game where students identify and learn about the parts of a flower

The Teacher's Guide - page about butterflies. Information, worksheets, crafts, interactive games, lesson plans.